16 Ways To Close A Sale

16 Ways To Close A Sale

Sales is a process. It is a system. It is a set of steps that you follow consistently. That you refine, that you test so that you improve, take feedback and continue to build your business.

Here are 16 sales closing techniques that can help you evaluate any situation, and stop those firm “no” answers with your own great response.

5 Surefire Ways To Drive More Revenue From Your Leads

5 Surefire Ways To Drive More Revenue From Your Leads

Growing your list and generating leads is great – but do you know how valuable each one is to your business?

And if you do, do you know how to increase that value?

Knowing the value of each lead allows you to calculate exactly how much you should spend to acquire it online and the more your leads are worth, the greater the return (ROI) will be for your business

10 Actions To Improve The Quality Of Your Leads

10 Actions To Improve The Quality Of Your Leads

Have you heard the catch cry build your list. What is the use of building a list if no one buys from you?

What is the use of providing quality information but all people do is download it and then do nothing.

The value of your list is the quality of the people on your list and the fact that they buy from you. You can’t build a business based upon what you plan to do. Your business can only be built upon definite actions by yourself and your customers

6 Steps For A Successful Sales Process

6 Steps For A Successful Sales Process

Being involved in sales is all about building a relationship. After all you want a customer for life not just a one off sale. It is therefore important that you use your time and energy efficiently and effectively in sales.

You don’t want to be wasting your time or more importantly the time of your prospect when both can be better applied to other prospects or clients.

Follow these steps to ensure that you are focussed with your efforts and that you move to a definite response; preferably yes but in some instances it may be a no.

How To Plan Your Marketing Automation

How To Plan Your Marketing Automation

The first thing to do with your marketing automation is to work out what you want to achieve. What is your business strategy and how will marketing automation help achieve this strategy. Here we set out how a small business owner can begin to plan and implement marketing automation into their business