
5 Proven Sales Strategies For Any Small Business

5 Proven Sales Strategies For Any Small Business

Written ByCraig Pateman

With over 13 years of corporate experience across the fuel, technology, and newspaper industries, Craig brings a wealth of knowledge to the world of business growth. After a successful corporate career, Craig transitioned to entrepreneurship and has been running his own business for over 15 years. What began as a bricks-and-mortar operation evolved into a thriving e-commerce venture and, eventually, a focus on digital marketing. At SmlBiz Blueprint, Craig is dedicated to helping small and mid-sized businesses drive sustainable growth using the latest technologies and strategies. With a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to staying at the forefront of evolving business trends, Craig leverages AI, automation, and cutting-edge marketing techniques to optimise operations and increase conversions.

March 6, 2019

Do you think selling is a science or a game of chance?

Is it a numbers game whereby if you do the same presentation x number of times you will get a result?

One thing is for certain is that you should not wing it, act off the cuff. You should have in your arsenal proving strategies and techniques.

Having sales scripts, common questions, frequently asked questions will give your salespeople a distinct advantage.

Practising and learning sales strategies should be a constant activity.

5 Proven Sales Strategies For Any Small Business

Here are five of the most reliable sales strategies that you can use for your business:

1. Guarantee

Don’t estimate the power of a guarantee.

Guarantees can take many different forms. Such as FREE replacement.

We all know “in 3o minutes or less. Car companies now have 7 years warranty and unlimited kilometres plus they also give Fixed Service Charges.

Free replacement, Guaranteed money back, free check-ups, free consultation are all different guarantees that you can use.

2. Something for Nothing

Everyone loves something for nothing. How often do you see women at the cosmetics counter trying different perfumes for free.

High flyers who go to casinos are lured by all the freebies that a casino may provide.

No one is immune or indifferent to the attraction of something for nothing.

The majority of consumers are attracted to trying new products when a freebie is included.

3. Apples to Oranges Comparison

Always try and have a comparison between apples and oranges.

Never let the customers compare your product on price otherwise you will be seen as just a commodity and they will always make the decision based upon price.

Your comparison could be on a variety of different aspects of your offering. A good idea is to bundle different products together so that no one can make a direct comparison.


Software verse accountants hours

Do it for you service verse do it yourself hours

Cost of a webinar or digital product verse in person attendance

Cost of a nutrition exercise verse cost of a weekly coffee

4. Membership

A large number of people want to belong to something special, a club.

The value the membership and association. Are you able to offer that benefit to a segment of your audience. An exclusive membership that receives special offers, early bird offers.

Maybe a newsletter with members only information and tips.

A lot of people may go to a club, coffee chain, food chain because they receive a positive association in their mind.

Luxury consumer goods take advantage of this by having their initials displayed on the outside of their products because they understand that people like to belong to a club or group of people.

Something they have spent years creating in the mind of consumers.

The inner circle or membership is an effective way to package up goods or services together and sell a combination of services that otherwise would be difficult to sell separately.

You can automatically set up future renewable income.

The membership is a way to bind customers to you for prescribed periods of time and communicate with them in a more effective manner.

5. Takeaway Selling

People generally want what they can’t have and least appreciate or value that which is easily accessible.

People value what is further away from them.  

We all want to go the guru on the top of the mountain, the one that is further away then our local expert. The bible even tells us that you will not be valued by your local town or village.

Nobody wants to buy from the local guy.

Even with these 5 strategies it is important to have structure.

Structure is very important in sales and copywriting. People need to be sold in an orderly, organised, momentum building manner.

There are certain structures that are very reliable and so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

As with all aspects of business there are some fundamental laws that will always apply even with the development of new technologies and advertising platforms.

You should use one or a combination of the formulas below every time you create a sales presentation or advertising piece:

  1. Problem - Agitate - Solve
  2. Attention - Interest - Desire - Action
  3. “I predict…..
  4. Shocking Facts
  5. Guarantee First

These 5 proven sales straegies combined with a strutured sales process will give your business a solid foundation for building your business.

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